This is a great time of year to practice your outdoor photo skills, and hone them for the Spring, Summer and Fall months ahead.
To get great colors in your shots on a sunny day, there are a few rules and tricks.
1. Try shooting earlier in the day, before Noon. Earlier in the day is better because the light is softer and more diffused.
2. Try shooting later in the day. Use the "Golden Hours". Just before sunset, to about 1/2-an hour after. You will get some ethereal qualities to your photos.
3. Sunny 16. Use a narrow aperture of F-16, and a shutter speed of 100, at 100 ISO. Of course your camera needs to be on manual settings. You can use F-11, 14, and 18, depending on your camera.
4. Use a lens hood to keep sun flare and unwanted light reaching the light meter to a minimum.
5. Experiment and have fun!